Monday, November 13, 2006

Non-Democratic United States encourages more terrorism

As you all know about the massacre of Beit Hannon (not to forget the daily massacres taking place on the Palestininians), the United States vetoed the decision to hold Israel accountable. Now all wanted Israel held accountable but the United States has to disagree with the rest of the world and use its right to veto such a decision because again "Israel" is defending itself and hence Israel gets away with another terrorist act.

How can someone who slaughters children and civilians on daily basis not held accountable? The IDF tanks simply bombarded those houses without a reason, and now the USA encourages Israel to be more terrorist and gives the Zionists to continue with their mass genocide.

Oh yeah, stupid 14th of March are still relying on the US administration for the international court... have they no shame visiting the US administration and licking their hands while they veto such a decision (as well as held accountable for the July war to last one month).

Some new Middle East... it should be US satellite just as Eastern Europe was USSR satellite.



Anonymous said...

MarxistFromLebanon , I hear you all the time angry on israel, US, lebanon every criticizes all of them.

so I have question to you...what is your suggestion to the Lebaneses and to the palestinians?

you can say them, let stop the kassams, the katiushas, and then to the racist facist zionists will not have any alibi to kill us...

or you can say them, the fucking zionists killes children, lets continue to shoot on their cities every day , they will continue to kill our children, and this will never stop...

stop to be right start to be smart..

o.k. the israeli are murders (I don't agree on that) but you should do something to stop them, you should get some love from the world ,the western world, when the U.S will not put on your denunciations...
mybe you are right, mybe the israeli will continue to kill you , but the world will do something about that, because the israeli hasn't aliby to do that,
now they have, it sound terrible, but they have..most of the world support them..because you don't let the world to see what they do, you let the israeli support hamas and hezbolla that kills cevilians and not recognize israel, so from what are you diffrent from the israeli?

MarxistFromLebanon said...


Let the Zionists stop bulldozing the homes of the Palestinians (specialy after they propose peace) then perhaps those katyioshas stop.

In case you didn't notice, only the States vetoed the UN decision...


PS: You still deny that Israel demolished a whole nation to build theirs? Drop the victim act!

Anonymous said...

You didn't answered my questions...israel wrong, the U.S support israel, the U.S has veto right, what would you do about that?
I didn' asked what israel should do...I asked what you should do...

MarxistFromLebanon said...

for now?

I am working on awareness campaigns on the real situation through out the world, and demonstrations, as well as film exhibitions of what is going.

The solution is class emancipation in the long run, what to expect? You can play your part about history and establishing equality with the Palestinians by focusing on the history... actually plenty of activities are taking place through out the world...whether left-wing, grass roots, alterglobalization, anti-war movement, democracy movements, and several others...

Equality of all and emancipation in the long run, there is no sudden solution for the Palestinian tragedy except with the beginning of pressuring the Israeli government admit they kicked out the Palestinians back in 1948 and whatever is happening now as a result because of that ...

Don't you think it is the proper way rather than hope for Egypt or Jordan to sustain their regimes via USA till they no longer can, and only then real bloodshed takes place on all people...


What are you doing since you see it as wrong...

Anonymous said...

I didn't see it wrong...that is the problem.
I dont think that is my fault that I have borned in israel, like its not the fault of the U.S cevilians who have borned in indian occupied land...
I don't think that I need to apologize all my life and leave my land because some violence people who call themself freedom fighters want me to go.
I think that there is other way to get things except of violence,
and if someone shoot on my cities, I don't care why, and killes children, I don't care why, I will go and fight with him.
now you will say that the I.D.F do the same, I don't agree with you, I have two brothers in the I.D.F non of them is a killer, you can say it how much you want but until that I will see proofs and real proofs, I will not beleive you.

and in the war there is accident, we should care that there will be no wars, I will call to my govermat and to my people to stop the war, help the palestinians and make peace..
but to tango we need the both sides not only one side.
and I think that you are wrong that you blame only israel and don't look on your own people.
but mybe I fucked up..