Friday, May 09, 2008

Four Oclock: The Sweet Storm from the Heavens

It rained, and it rained heavily. Someone on msn told me it was an explosion, I heard one myself, and suddenly it rained… and it rained heavily with winds. It was peace with minor sporadic shootings that were going smaller in size. I felt this serenity emotion, I enjoyed hearing the sound of rain after 13 hours of non-stop of hearing nearby bullets and RPGs.

Sadly, when I woke up, the shooting was there, but we already realized by Midnight that AMAL/Hezbollah militia forces overwhelmed Future Militias. Yes, I did write Hezbollah militias, because for the first time ever since Hassan Nasrallah took over, directed his weaponry not on the Zionists, but towards Lebanon.

Also, the storm knocked out my internet till now, it was too risky to go to the roof top to fix it.


ayla said...

Keep safe and keep blogging as and when you can.

I am holding my breathe for Lebanon... and trying to keep my heart still.

Anonymous said...

can should describe what is happening on the street right now?

and what political process might take place if the fighting calms?

what political goals will hezbollah try to achieve?