Saturday, September 16, 2006

Remembering Bush and Freedom (March 13, 2003)

"It is too late for Saddam Hussein to remain in power. It is not too late for the Iraqi military to act with honor and protect your country by permitting the peaceful entry of coalition forces to eliminate weapons of mass destruction. Our forces will give Iraqi military units clear instructions on actions they can take to avoid being attacked and destroyed. I urge every member of the Iraqi military and intelligence services, if war comes, do not fight for a dying regime that is not worth your own life."

For starters: he says: your country. The audience targeted are the US citizens. Hence, he justifies the entrance to Iraq in order to protect US citizens.

Then he says: "protect your country by permitting the peaceful entry of coalition forces to eliminate weapons of mass destruction."

For starters, when invading a country, it is not peaceful. I hate Saddam, but I hate such an invasion more since plenty of people died at the hands of the US and UK invasion. Then we ask for the zillionth time: where are those weapons of mass distruction Mr. Bush?

"Our forces will give Iraqi military units clear instructions on actions they can take to avoid being attacked and destroyed. "

Funny thing, what about the death toll of the US and UK forces over there? Are they teaching the Iraqis anything now in 2006? They were considering a pull-out to protect their own soldiers while leaving Iraq in a state of chaos that is entering a tri-partite civil war.

"I urge every member of the Iraqi military and intelligence services, if war comes, do not fight for a dying regime that is not worth your own life."

Bush forgot that Saddam is a dictator that would force the Iraqis to fight where his loyal subjects would force them to do (after all the Army is made of Rank and File). Second, because of the political void, more citizens are dying, excluding what we heard of people being shot by US forces. The US were desperate to grab photos to cover-up their blunder.

First it was to disarm Saddam from weapons of Mass Destruction, second, he changes the speech that Saddam harbors Qae'eda operatives. Third, he changes again to say: eliminating a dictator and bring democracy where the number of death tolls of the US soldiers alone is on the increase at a very fast pace, what about the civilian by-standers?

Full speech is located over here


1 comment:

Frank Partisan said...

If the US was serious about freedom in Iraq, the first thing they should have done, was have a referendum amongst Kurds, if they want to be Iraqi.

All the US did, is divide Iraq more by religion and tribe.