Monday, March 17, 2008

My Contacts

Dear Fellow Readers

Again I apologize for not writing long specially the whole area passed through a rough hurricane and another is expected to come.

Several readers emailed me and asked me how to contact me, my email account is and you can find me on msn at the same account...

Now I am back to check my account on daily basis after a severe rough time on the personal level...

I will answer all comments given to me with time and will keep my personal page alive (MFL Personals)



Blacksmith Jade said...

Good to have you back :) ...


Frank Partisan said...

With events so volatile, it's easy to worry when you don't post or email for a long period.

At my blog, I posted part of our World Perspectives document, related to Palestine. I posted the conclussions. Your feedback is important.

MarxistFromLebanon said...

Renegade, I will check the arguements around afternoon in Beirut timing, and I will prepare a roundabout regarding what is happening in our region in relations to your blog :)

Anonymous said...

Hey comrade MFL,

Can you please check this statment
and give me your comments ?


Khawwta said...

so you're still alive ;)

ayla said...

Good to know you're safe and back to your blogs. I am sorry to hear of your personal troubles... I hope things are getting better.